Children need thinking, social and emotional skills to be successful in school and life. These skills are necessary to thrive in school or any learning situation. To develop thinking skills, children need to pay attention and listen so that they can control their impulses, delay gratification, and focus on tasks. Social skills are required for survival and a good life and include a range of skills we use to relate to, play with, learn from and teach others. Emotional constructive outlets for negative feelings and appreciating how others feel. Healthy emotions are important for learning, self-satisfaction, joy and success in life.

These skills are crucial in determining a child’s “readiness” for school. The National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families has identified 7 key elements that best prepares children to thrive in a school environment. These include Confidence, Curiosity, Intentionality, Self-Control, Relatedness, Capacity to Communicate, and Cooperativeness. These are attitudes and beliefs about themselves that need to be cultivated. When we develop the seven key elements in our children, it will enhance their social and emotional intelligence so that they will achieve their full potential.

Does your child have the right attitude and belief system? Attitudes & beliefs are the views a person has over people, places, or things. They are important because they predict behavior and have impact on children’s school performance, health, happiness and relationships.

An understanding of intelligence and abilities as qualities they can develop can determine whether they become the person they want to be and profoundly affects the way they will lead their life. This belief system or “mindset” has the power to transform them. A “growth mindset” leads to a desire to learn and a tendency to:

  • Embrace challenges
  • Persist despite obstacles
  • See effort as a path to mastery
  • Learn from criticism
  • Be inspired by others’ success

The following are the attitudes and feelings they will need to internalize with your help:

  • I am loveable.
  • I like learning.
  • I am good at doing new things. I am capable. I am an achiever.
  • If something seems hard at first, I can get it by trying. I am a problem solver.
  • Adults will help me if I need it, but leave me to learn something on my own.
  • It’s fun to play with other kids. I know how to cooperate with them.
  • I can’t have my way all the time. Sometimes I must listen to adults and do as they say.
  • I like to be helpful.
  • My choices matter. I am responsible for my success.

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